Author: Walter Chung

When you see ‘TB Life' on your pay stub, it's natural to wonder “What is Life TB on pay stub?”.
What Is Life TB on Pay Stub?

What Is Life TB on Pay Stub?

When you see ‘TB Life’ on your pay stub, it’s natural to wonder “What is Life TB on pay stub?”. ‘TB Life’ refers to a ‘Taxable Benefit’. This is often linked to a group life insurance policy provided by your employer, which is reflected...
What Is PA-HAT5 on Paystub?

What Is PA-HAT5 on Paystub?

If you’re wondering, “what is PA-HAT5 on paystub?”, it refers to state and local taxes in Pennsylvania, which apply to residents and non-residents within the state. For small to medium-sized businesses or self-employed individuals operating in this state,...
What Is Annuity on a Check Stub?

What Is Annuity on a Check Stub?

You might be thinking about budgeting for a rainy day and wondering, “What is annuity on a check stub?” An ‘annuity’ is essentially a retirement savings plan purchased by an employer for their employee. It represents a portion of the employee’s pay which...
What Is Hospit on My Paystub?

What Is Hospit on My Paystub?

Have you ever wondered, “What is Hospit on my paystub?” Many employees encounter this term and find themselves puzzled. ‘Hospit’ on pay stubs often refers to a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). Based on our first-hand experience, this type of...
What Is DP Medical in Pay Stub?

What Is DP Medical in Pay Stub?

Have you ever wondered “What is DP medical in pay stub”? In a nutshell, “DP medical” on a pay stub refers to Domestic Partner health insurance. This is specific coverage extended to a domestic partner, which is similar to married couples. This healthcare plan also...