As a business owner, building professional check stubs with Check Stub Maker will save you time and money. You will no longer have to calculate federal, state and local taxes because Check Stub Maker will do it for you. Unlike the software on your home computer, Check Stub Maker does not require updating, because we are always up to date. Whether you have used Check Stub Maker before or you are a first time user, here are a few tips that will make an easy process, even easier.
- Pay attention to the drop downs: When you click on build your paystub, you will immediately notice that there are a series of drop down menus. We have everything you need to create a pay stub. Simply click on the drop down menus and select the appropriate state, pay period, marital status, and exemptions. You will soon have a professional check stub for all of your employees.
- Contractor vs Employee: You will notice that there is a bullet to click for when you hire a contractor. Contract work is different from an employee; you don’t have to pay for a contractor’s benefits and insurance. With Check Stub Maker you have the option to differentiate.
- Check Stub Calculator: Our check stub calculator is automatically turned on, because with it you will be able to correctly calculate all of the taxes, and deductions with ease. The calculator does all of the math work so you don’t have to.
- Print and Email: If you have employees that don’t use email, not a problem you can select the option to print the check stubs. If you have employees that use email and prefer to receive their check stub electronically, you can use the option to email.
Check Stub Maker
Our goal is to make things easy for you so you don’t have to worry about check stubs. You have a business to run, so let us take care of the calculations. With Check Stub Maker, you will have a user-friendly interface that takes the hassle out of paystubs.