
With springtime comes spring cleaning. As you tackle disorder and perform deep cleaning, you might come across important papers. You might even keep them inside of an overflowing filing cabinet. While you stare at the mass of papers and documents, have you ever wondered how long you should hang onto all those papers? Check Stub Maker wants to help you recognize the things you should hang onto, and the items to which you can say goodbye.

Things to keep indefinitely

You should never throw away any of the following:  Social security cards, birth certificates, identification cards, passports, insurance policies, loan documents, marriage licenses, medical records, death certificates, pension and retirement contribution plan documents, and your will. You should also hang on to any vehicle titles for the life of the vehicle.

Things you can throw away when a new one arrives

There are a few documents that you can throw away once a new version comes in the mail. Insurance information documents can be replaced once the renewed form arrives. You can also replace your social security statement when you get a new one. To keep your identity safe, make certain that you shred any documents that have your personal information.

Things to keep for a certain amount of time

You can keep your credit card receipts until you reconcile them with your monthly statement. The same can be said of your bank statements and deposit slips. Any of your tax information and the supporting documentation needs to be kept for seven years. The IRS can go back through your records up to seven years. Remember though, they can go back seven years from the time you file. If you own your own business, that means you will need to keep all of your business receipts, transactions, bank statements, and tax information just in case the IRS ever decided to give you an audit. You will also want to hang onto your paystubs.

This is where we can help. When you create a paycheck stub with our paystub generator you have digital version stored on your computer. That will help you reduce the amount of papers in your filing cabinet. Our easy to use software will help you create pay check stubs and our paystub calculator will generate the taxes for you. That’s right; our software stays current with local, state and federal taxes. Our paystub generator will even track social security, Medicare, and any other deductions. If you own your own business and have any number of employees, our online service makes perfect sense. We will save you time, because our paystub generator handles the monotony of mathematical deductions and taxation tracking. When you want to do a bit of spring cleaning in your office, we can help with all of those paystubs. When you want a fast, secure, reliable paystub generator, you need Check Stub Maker.


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