
When it comes to a prospective employer wanting to check your paystub, you might be wondering “When showing your pay stubs to an employer, do you block out any information?”

Due to the recent salary history ban, which is now enforceable in just under 20 US states, employees are empowered to safeguard any personal or sensitive information contained in their pay stubs.

With that said, if you reside in a state where employers are allowed to view your pay stubs, you’re still able to block or redact certain sensitive information on your pay stubs.

Examples of this are your social security number or your past earnings to protect yourself against potential identify or financial theft or wage discrimination in the workplace.  

In this article, we at Check Stub Maker will explore the nuances of what information can be shared and what should be kept private when handing over your pay stubs to prospective employers.

Let’s get started!

What this article covers:

What Can You Not Show When Sharing Your Check Stubs?

As per our payroll expertise, we recommend redacting items on an employee pay stub such as your social security number, home address, and bank account details when sharing your check stubs with potential employers.

This is to prevent identity theft or any unauthorized use of your personal information during the hiring process.

Moreover, some states in the U.S. have enacted salary history bans. These laws prohibit employers from asking about your previous salary.

In such jurisdictions, it would be prudent to also block out your past earnings from the pay stubs you present.

This ensures compliance with local laws and supports the Department of Labor’s initiative to promote fair hiring practices based on skills and qualifications rather than past compensation.

At Check Stub Maker, we are firm believers in fair wage practices and can help you create pay stubs that reflect your earnings and personal information accurately but discreetly.

Is It Normal for a New Hire Not to Show Paystubs?

Nowadays, it’s perfectly normal for new hires not to show their previous paystubs if they live in a state with a salary history ban.

While the ban isn’t universally mandatory across the US, it’s still inappropriate and illegal for employers to ask for pay stubs in states with salary history bans and legislation in place.

Drawing from our experience, new hires often express concerns about privacy and the relevance of sharing pay stubs with their employers.

This apprehension about viewing pay stubs online or offline stems from the fear of personal information misuse and the belief that past compensation shouldn’t dictate future salary negotiations.

what can you not show when handing your check stubs

Is It Safe to Give Copies of Pay Stubs?

Sharing copies of your pay stubs is safe, but it requires careful handling due to the sensitive information they contain.

Through our practical knowledge, pay stubs typically include your name, address, earnings, and sometimes even your social security number or bank account details.

If security is a priority for you, here are some considerations for safely sharing your pay stubs:

  1. Know The Recipient: Only share pay stubs with reputable and trustworthy entities. This could be a financial institution, a potential landlord, or an employer. Be wary of sharing them with unknown or unverified parties.
  2. Redact Sensitive Information: If the recipient doesn’t need to know specific details like your social security number or bank account information, redact these before sharing the pay stub.
  3. Use Secure Methods Of Transmission: If you’re sending pay stubs electronically, use secure methods like encrypted email or secure file transfer services. Avoid sending sensitive documents through unsecured or public Wi-Fi networks. 
  4. Understand The Purpose: Be clear about why your pay stubs are being requested and how they’ll be used. Our findings show that this can help you determine the necessity and appropriateness of the request.
  5. Keep Records: Maintain a copy of the pay stubs you share and note down the details of the recipient and the date of sharing. This can be helpful if any issues arise later. Alternatively, you can make use of our paystub generator. After putting it to the test, you can create paystubs in minutes, download them, and then store them securely on your devices in PDF format.
  6. Shred Physical Copies After Use: If you’re sharing physical copies, once they’ve served their purpose, we recommend shredding them to prevent any misuse of the information.
  7. Be Aware Of Scams: Be cautious of phishing scams or fraudulent activities where someone might request your pay stubs under false pretenses.

While it can be safe to share pay stubs, it’s crucial to do so cautiously and responsibly to protect your personal and financial information.

normal for new hire not to show paystubs

What Can Be Used Instead of Check Stubs?

There are times when you might not have access to pay stubs or prefer not to share them. In such cases, other financial documents can replace pay stubs to show proof of income:

  •  Bank Statements: Bank statements provide a detailed record of your financial transactions, including salary deposits. Based on our observations, they can effectively demonstrate your income.
  • Tax Returns: These tax documents offer a comprehensive overview of your annual income and are often considered a credible source of financial information. Additionally, profit and loss statements can be used to show income for self-employed individuals or freelancers.
  • Letters From Employers: Employer letters can also serve as proof of income, especially when formal pay stubs aren’t available. These letters should include details such as your salary range (if you don’t want to share the exact amount), the nature of your employment, and the duration of your employment.

Together, these documents can be used in place of pay stubs should the need arise. 

And if you need to get pay stubs for your private records, our paystub maker can help you create, review, submit, and store pay stubs safely and efficiently. 

is it safe giving copies of pay stubs


In this article, we’ve answered the question ‘When showing your pay stubs to an employer do you block out any information?’.

Our investigation demonstrated that there are nuances to sharing pay stubs with employers. There are also safety measures to consider with a check stub view, and alternatives that can be used instead of pay stubs.

If you’re looking for reliable and secure payroll services, visit Check Stub Maker and let us help you streamline your financial documentation securely and straightforwardly.

If you want to learn more, why not check out these articles below:


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